the Road to Happy-Ness/ Day 26

REviSiteD~  And so I discovered that by not compromising in what is most important to me, at my core values… brought me much peace & happiness. This is good. Such a wonderful lesson.  The important step was to know what I truly value, and to discover and learn what may be compromising my integrity, in any given opportunity presented.

The other side to this, is that when I do make a decision or choice, to hold true to it, within♡ so very important; hold true to it with every breath that I take, in a space that is loving, kind, and healing. I can see now why the experience kept showing itself to me; so that I would finally understand the very important lesson.

And where am I today♡ well, just here. And what is my word for today♡ well, just this. Totality. An understanding that the sum total is made up of all parts… the good, the bad, and the ugly; all experiences, choices, and decisions. AND that we are all united in assisting one another along our own personal soul’s journey.  For some reason, today, this just made sense. I see where I had been beating myself up over the consequences of my actions, for which I am accountable to and for, but if I can look at the big picture, the Soul’s Journey, I can see the commitment of another (or others) to my lessons. This is quite a powerful place to land; softly and gently♡

We are the world♡ I am the world♡ Meaning, we are all each others keepers. Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me♡ If we can sit, in peace with this, than this is one of the most beautiful awareness, one that has the ability to propel us gently into back into our self. Totally. We are all a part of the whole, no one more important, or less important. It is with this quality of Totality Awareness that will carry me through the day, with happiness, of course♡

As I was driving today I had a moment of awareness~ ‘it works both ways.’ And I began to see the clarity in this statement.  I was a quite surprised that I had never understood this.  It works both ways.  I, yes, me, may have agreed that in this lifetime, if someone with whom I had made a soul commitment with in regards to their growth, if and when we met, that I would just know this (a familiar stranger) upon meeting. I would un-consciously, but yet sub-consciously, know that the chain of events that brought us together would be necessary to their spiritual growth. Meaning that if someone is upset or angry with you, own what is yours. If you hurt them in any matter, absolutely do be accountable, but then know that the rest is up to them.

Each moment, the world is getting faster and faster, and even faster than that, and all is happening too quickly for many. The truth, I see now, is that my journey must come back to the task at hand. Multi-tasking is, well, simply, ridiculous. I am here and here is where I will be. Right now, for me, it understanding the many lessons before me; my role in the lives of many, and their role in my spiritual journey.

If we looked upon each moment in our lives, as the BEST moment of our life, EVEN when we are mindlessly working through a less than enjoyable task, and make the choice, right here and now, that this is the place that is most necessary for my journey, to be, then we will allow ourselves to honor that moment, with Celebration and Gratitude, that it is, in reality, teaching us something♡ no matter how much pain, sadness or confusion I may be feeling. It’s not just about the good stuff, but it can bring perspective and happiness where it may have been thought lost.

Developing the awareness of being ‘ToTal’ in response to each and every moment, each and every experience, alone & with another, to whatever is set in front of me to learn & discover, is a gift♡

Another Gift. to me. to the experience. to the players in the experience.  Allowing for a wondrous new vitality & creativity in all that I do. I am that I am. I think therefore I am.

Within each and every moment, is the potential to be whole and complete. Within each relationship, is the potential to be whole and complete. So, today, my happiness lay in the moment; the presence of the moment. the presence of another. and the presence of self.  The understanding that where I am, is where I need to be, no matter where that is♡ always a teaching, learning, sharing, and experiencing.

Life is important, every moment of it, which is why we each chose to come here; to experience it. I think, in this moment that this is the answer to my ‘hopes and dreams.’  I am pretty sure that I have mentioned this before, but apparently, there continued to be some learning to be done. I believe, right now, in this moment, that this lesson, is to be CONSCIOUSLY AWARE, in every moment, in every experience, challenge, and situation, with every person, and alone.

There’s a time for every purpose under Heaven.  there is a season. (the Book of Ecclesiates)  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.  A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.  A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.  A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.  A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.  A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.  A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. You are loved.jpg

Within each moment, is an experience.. today the joy & the happiness comes to me in celebrating every moment right where it is. 






My Road to Happy-Ness/ Day 25

I have to know what I may be willing to give up or sacrifice; fully aware that I am not willing to give up my core values, beliefs, or my integrity. As I look back, I can see that the times that I have compromised my core values have always led to a place of discontent. and unhappiness. a struggle within. Therein lies the gift.

via My Road to Happy-Ness/ Day 25 — Let Love Be Your Guide

My Road to Happy-Ness/ Day 25

Ahhhhhh♡ Compromise. Breatheeeee… The very moment that I received my word of the day, that which will bring me happiness throughout my journey today, I thought.. no, there can be no compromise.  I glanced back to what I have been experiencing at work and my perspective changed.  I see the message and understand its dutiful purpose.

Half techniques, doings, compromises most often add to the confusion, for they sit inside the ego. Unless we can fully commit to the compromise, we are leaving something very important behind.  So, today, I must choose to understand the why behind choosing a compromise.

And I begin to see… it’s not about having to compromise… it’s seeing from a perspective that compromise may not be the solution at all!  I keep hearing, ‘be yourself, whole & complete. Give all of you.’  Compromise has the ability to become less than.

If I am trying to be someone else, someone that I am not, then I am not being me; I am compromising my truth. It’s one thing to meet a situation, experience, or another, half way, to listen to different viewpoints, to understand, to gain new awareness & perspective; to work towards a harmony of opposing forces; this is all good; it can lead us to a better understanding & insight.

I have to know what I may be willing to give up or sacrifice; fully aware that I am not willing to give up my core values, beliefs, or my integrity.  As I look back, I can see that the times that I have compromised my core values have always led to a place of discontent. and unhappiness. a struggle within. Therein lies the gift.

We live in a society that is so willing to compromise on what we believe deep within and the cost has been huge. It has the ability to drag us down, to hide our core, and take you to a place that you never wanted to be. I see now that to give up my own sense of truth is a denial of all that I have learned.  Looking further into experiences, I can see this. That what I most wanted was approval, to be liked, by everyone, even when that ‘everyone’ stood against all that I believed or valued.

The goal of real compromise is not to accept standards that are lower than what is desirable or what we believe.  Not at all.  As I look back, I can see that where I was believing that I was compromising, I was, in fact, giving up; that which means the most to me.

So today, I will find a quiet place. I will sit in a space of acceptance, even if that space is one of confusion, sadness, contemplation. I will sit in this space, merely allowing and the answer will show itself. What are the compromises and what are the cores.

So today, happiness lies in my truth, my journey, my awareness♡ for this is where the love lay.  I compromised on the photo… it really doesn’t portray was i writing about… but it does make me happy! There, compromise does bring me happiness today♡


My Road to Happy-Ness/ Day 24

I’ve been told that I am too intense. From that place, I learned that it was very bad to be intense. I was also told that being happy means that my life is perfect. You are too nice. You get too angry. Don’t be sad. You are passionate. You are too smart. You can’t act like that. Do you know who they are!  Wear this. You can’t wear that.  You say weird things. You are too smart. You are stupid. You are fat. You need to do this. Or that.  All of this brings forth a confusion.


The truth is that sometimes I made people uncomfortable. Up until this moment in time, I have learned to scan the room for the reactions of others and to retreat when it happens; when I saw it. I began to look around for the reactions of those around me or in the room, wondering what they would think, see, or how they felt about my words or actions, and I would back away, quietly into the background, unseen and not heard, into my head. Mostly, though, I learned to not trust myself and what I knew. I see now that I became conflicted and confused.

I have learned to be very Mindful, when mindfulness wasn’t a ‘cool’ action, because the feelings of not being supported for who I was, were really lonely. Being alone meant that we are not popular, cool, or supported, so it was definitely not a good place to be. We all want to belong; to be a part of; to not miss out.

I look back and I see that this is learned at a very young age when we are sent to our rooms, to be alone when we have misbehaved. This then becomes the inner retreat of our shame; the ego; the loneliness inside the head that allows for a feeling of isolation and bitterness to creep in. I believe that the intention is correct and there, but that message was not conveyed as it should have.  Always when I came back to the surface, I had learned nothing at all, except to how to shut down and retreat when I acted or responded outside of the norm.

I am all of those things. I am none of those things… and there is a difference in ‘feeling alone’ and ‘Being Alone’.

My happiness and realization came forth strong today. That I AM that strong and that I am okay, and I understand that the need for approval of family, friends, colleagues, even strangers, is a human conditioning. I have never been a sheep, I know this, always knew it.. but I recognize that to not be the sheep can sometimes feel lonely… and so with this the cycle continued. To seek the Balance is to discover the Happy~Ness.

Strength in Self; a sense of self and purpose. A sense that I am now ready to become who I was meant to be; who I am at my core. To take responsibility for accepting what was not mine; in this writing, another’s un~comfortableness. To be mindful in what I speak and for my actions; but to not hold back because I might have stirred some feelings in someone else. That is for them to pursue and discover; their own aloneness.

To be alone is not the absence of another, but rather in the presence of oneself. Being alone and taking pleasure in the silence, the growth, the feelings, the recognizance, and the beauty.  ‘To glow from the light that emanates within. To ‘Be a light unto myself.’

Ultimately, each of us must develop within ourselves the capacity to make our way through the darkness and back up into the light.

There was once a time when I used to dream big. I will spend my time today asking myself what happened to all those dreams. To encourage them back to me, to open each box and to dream again. Happiness. Life happens, yes, and that is a part of the journey. To see this; to experience it through the Aloneness; the Stillness.  To catch the glimpses of the part of me, still there, who didn’t give up on those dreams.

It’s never too late. & who is it that is telling me that it is too late. Only I can accept that. It’s never to late to create; to transmute dreams into a reality. Time to experience. To tap into the power of my true self, my subconscious mind and unlock the unlimited potential within. Happiness. ahhh… that’s where it is...

My Road to Happy-Ness/ Day 23

So in my thoughts yesterday I had a moment of awareness, one in which I am trying to better understand, and more so understand its relation to my own Happiness.

I have always been a dreamer; I’ve taken to my many thoughts and fantasies♡ not only as a means of escapism, but rather, this IS me, who I am, what’s inside of me; my dreams waiting to be discovered; to be released.  As I thought more and more about it, I realized that this, for me, is where I most need to find the balance in my life♡ along my road of Happiness♡

‘Fake it till you make it!’ is all good, but at some point you just gotta put those dress pants on and BE it. Somehow, I pondered, it all ties in with the Ego and I am just not entirely sure how.  Yet.

Yes, I certainly do believe that I, myself, do deserve all that I know that is waiting inside of me, all of who I am, to explode out into the world and be accepted and understood! ha! But somehow, I know that the tie also sits within the circle of achievement within my life itself.  It was many steps taken to walk outside of the fear; in the end to know and understand that it was the fear that was holding me back. And to find that happiness, right here.

Let’s see… to want, but yet to live in the present moment. Perhaps it is in the moments of awakening and before bed that we are put out our requests and messages, our energies, to the Universe, to then awaken and live in the essence of the day before us. I am not entirely sure, but what I do know is that I love to dream, I always have. So, there is something there. And yes, I always believed that all of my dreams would come true, I just did.

But then they didn’t and I became confused. Because I began this journey of happiness with the challenge of living my life in the moment, recognizing that I had always been a dreamer, I have released the dreams and the wants in exchange for what is. It has certainly helped me out of the place that I was living, but as I realized yesterday, took me to a new place of unfamiliarity. What’s the balance. To not dream feels a bit like a robot. To dream always felt good. To not achieve becomes a real sadness within. To DREAm♡ the impossible dream… is to be alive within♡

So today, I’ll time to take a real look at my reflection; to break out of what others may have thought or believed about me. What I have allowed myself, to believe about myself. Only I can do that. So much of our society is conditioned to believe what the masses want us to believe, but the reality is that really is only for themselves; within us all; in our hearts & souls

But power and money. More. and. Want.  And so much of it isn’t true at all, but more feeds the want.

And this struggle of late is much like this, trying to fully understand and embrace my uniqueness, outside of the manipulation; within the heart & soul of integrity. For that is where my truth lay. And my truth can and WILL be ever changing, it has to. It changes as we learn and grown.

To discover that the real education is within self; within each and every experience, with every person that you meet, at every place that you enter, with each hug, kiss, and all of the messy also. Discover that this is where the happiness is also; within self. Go ahead dream what you want to dream, be who you always need to be, and live who you ARE, as you step into the fullness, the brightness of who you are.

So today, to move forward, to Dance, Run, Smile, Sing, whatever is necessary to awaken the sleeping lion within me; to DREAm, again, the possible dream. To live INSIDE the happiness.  And to do it My way.

the Road of Happy~ness/ Day 22

Ego~ yes♡ the conscious mind, always thinking, weighing, deciding, choosing; often troubled. In all honesty, the influence that we allow doubt is really ridiculous. It’s often seen through the eyes of others; always through the eyes of fear.

So today I look for happiness outside of the ego, above the head and beyond the stars. I move into a space of emptiness. I choose to be a servant of my heart, rather than my thoughts; to see with a clarity that is crystal clear, and rooted in a deep stillness that lay at the very core of my being.

I just completed a past life self~hypnosis, so I am a bit exhausted, perhaps not exhausted, but rather contented without a need to be anywhere but right here.  I am in a space of just being; grounded to the earth and connected to the Divine Wisdom available to All, searching outside the parameters of the conscious mind and in harmony with the very pulse of life.

This is good. I have recently asked for an understanding on the balance of the soul’s lessons & journey with the (my) human existence.  There are times when it seems that no balance can be obtained, and sometimes it feels as if I am living as two separate beings; a human being & a soul’s journey being. This is where much of my challenge begins.

But somehow in this moment, I learned that the balance lay in the presence; ever turning over a new beginning. This is MY journey and allowing it to be compared, analyzed, or criticized through the eyes or life of another, is, well, not only silly, but also tiring. And for me today, to see that this is where the happiness is found. To see the 2 parts as one, unified, whole, and to know that this is what’s been chosen & challenged.

When we look out into the world and judge another, we have to ask to what standards are we judging?  I can say it a million times… we are all living, breathing, working through different lessons. I know in my heart that there are some souls here, on earth, that have been asked to do some pretty terrible things, but if you can look on a really grand-scale view and see what is truly happening, our perspective can then changes. Again, the awareness is that we, none of us, and even ourselves included, do not know anyone else’s plan or lessons of this lifetime.

There is still much that I do not understand, but there is much more than I do. Much more and it is all coming to the surface at this time, causing such confusion as to its complex understanding. It can be very challenging to sort it all out outside the ego. Perhaps the understanding is simpler than thought. Break it down. Breathe it out. Sit with it in silence.

So, for today, I’m and short and sweet, consciously mindful, yet there are no ramblings of the thoughts, just an allowance. Thoughts in, Thoughts out; Detached, never holding onto. There. Yes, there, is happiness today♡

My Journey of Happy-Ness/Day 21

I began to understand the clarity in the early morning.  Happiness is not found in believing or living with only the good things or experiences, but rather in the Balance♡ and the Harmony.

TimberWolf is the Alpha, the knowing, with confidence; he is the path finder. A Messenger of new ideas, always returning to deliver teachings, not holding onto, but experiencing & sharing.

Meditation can lead me to the place; knowing that the experience of resting is not something that can be forced, but rather a ‘settling within,’ or a ‘letting go’ of clinging to experiences; the allowance of all experiences.

Meditation should come naturally, and I can see how, now, that we as a society have lost the importance of the practice. Meditation should be as natural as saying ones prayers or brushing ones teach; and as we come back to the practice of meditation, we must re~train our brains to stop. We then learn to grow more and more in tune with the rhythms of our own inner silence.

Back to the Silence. Back to the Peace. Back to the Harmony. To go back to the sweetness and delicacy of each experience; emerging in the heart. ‘To emerge from the heart and making an arc towards the third eye reflect in not only the intelligence, but the playfulness & Harmony as we move into the world from there.’

I am learning to not be so hard on myself, as many are; to consciously not allow myself to be my enemy, but rather a friend. To be softer and kinder to myself, where an inexpressible joy awaits. It’s where is always was, deep with my soul, deep within my heart.

Harmony lends its grace to Happiness when we consciously practice being still in meditation, away from the ego and into the Heart, knowing that when our Hearts Desires are aligned with our Souls Purpose, Harmony will always prevail. Knowing that what will be; will always be. 

To be simple is arduous, because to be simple costs everything that you have. You have to lose all to be simple. That’s why people have chosen to be complex and they have forgotten how to be simple.’ OSHO

What a great lesson in understanding this! the Glory comes from the Grace & the Allowance to risk it all.  Knowing that a simple Heart sings with God in deep Harmony.

My Journey of Happiness/Day 19

eagle-2The Yin and the Yang♡ the politics within♡ Peace, Love, Harmony, & a Balance of the Lessons♡ the melthing of the two.

I am now seeing that there are two sides to us, each of us, that pull against the other. Our ‘soul’ side, that is true and pure, and knows where it most needs to be, and our ‘human, ego’ side that is here to experience & learn so that our soul may develop. It’s through this awareness that I slowly began to understand the tug. The one side, knows, really knows what it wants; it even knows the answers, but the human/ego, living side, steps in and begins to feel and see the world around him; and it can feel past, present, and wants into the future… and this is where I see now that so many gets ‘stuck.’

And it is with this awareness that brings me a deep happiness within today♡ a breath of the new, an Integration of the two, the fusion of the opposites; an allowance of the two to work together; creating a unified whole, ‘each turning endlessly one into the other,’ accepting both as one. ‘Each containing in its deepest core the seed of the opposite.’

‘The Eagle and the Swan are both beings of flight & majesty. Yet the Eagle is the embodiment of greatness, power, and aloneness; always confident, while the Swan is the embodiment of space and purity; diving upon and within the elements of emotion, content and compete within her purity, perfection & beauty’

Happiness for me today, is the clarity in which this brings; for this has been one of my greatest struggles. Each day I awaken with hope and expectation; a feeling of aliveness, and then often throughout the day, life happens, and with it a struggle within; creating this inner conflict. I know. But can I be, always. And the answer is, ‘Yes,’ you can; both as one, united.

So I begin the day looking back at my many experiences to find the balance; but as I do so, I want to see them differently. I want to now seeing each experience as the lesson, acknowledging the gift within each lesson. A sudden and powerful shift in perspective♡ Truly understanding that life delivers what is necessary for my Spiritual Growth… again and again and again… until I am finally able to ‘see’ what it is  that I most need to understand, right down to my bones. This message sent tingles running throughout my being.  My eyes are opened. Understanding, knowing, that it’s time to move on. I get it♡

The key in this awareness is to first release the blame, of both self and others; and to acknowledge a powerful accountability & ownership of the lesson. Experiences are put in front of us to learn from; and when the same thing happens over and over again and & the answer eludes our vision, it’s time to look through different eyes; to come out of the darkness and enter into the light. The answer may not be that you are choosing the wrong person, or that you manage to end up with one difficult boss after another, or you continually sabotage friendships or relationships, etc. etc…. any area that you may be feeling stuck or blocked.

Suddenly, I see that when I look at each experiences, as one and not many, with the blinders off, and the ego detached; that there it is! An understanding and a gift..

Although I am not responsible, there is an accountability♡ a unity.

I can own and hold this discover this down to my Core♡ to let myself off the hook. I am hardest on myself. I know this. Perhaps this is a major lesson in my lifetime. I do know and accept that all lessons assist us in our Souls Journey.  The enemy is not the Ego; but rather an acceptance of the ego & the soul, in the face of circumstances, situations, and experiences. And I know that all that I accomplish settles deep within my being.

Today’s breakthrough is at a Soul’s Level♡ it is grand and it is wonderful♡ God Is and I Am♡

Today, I settle into the integration, the balance, the embodiment of both♡ the Eagle & the Swan; symbolic of self-creation and new life; symbolic of the union; the Alcemy

My Journey of Happy-Ness/ Day 18

Connection & Celebration♡ for all that has been lived and learned. for that that is to be lived and learned in the future… but for today. Just Be.

Today’s lesson♡ that the celebration need not depend on outside circumstances. To truly understand that a true celebration arise from a deepness & joyfulness within. It spills an overflow of song, and dance, laughter, gratitude, and even tears of joy. This for me has been a huge lesson. It was the way that I was, that I used to be. And then it all changed. I began to allow outside influences affect my inner place. That place is sacred.

I understand this now. I can feel it. We don’t have to be a certain way unless it is actually honest & true to our self, just because someone wants us to, or thinks that’s the way we should be or feel, or because that’s the way they feel. We don’t. Ever♡

I can allow the acceptance of this & feel then the movement of the moment.  I can actually feel a ‘becoming;’ becoming more and more available to the joys and opportunities that are here, and with my heart opened wide; to celebrate life♡ This is a joyfulness of the heart; within the heart, that touches the hearts of others, and if it doesn’t, or can’t, then that’s okay. One day, they too, will be open to share in the celebration.. of Life.

The true party is in your Heart. In my Heart♡

I have learned so very much today,  I have been open to the lessons, I have been open to the learning. The forever student. Last night I had the craziest of dreams! Not that they made any sense, but they sure were fun! In the end, I was invited to a ‘Kardashian‘ wedding. I tried to describe it to my husband and it didn’t work out so well. Funny how our dreams make sense while we are in them. There was so  much going on with this one! crazy and exciting! Perhaps that’s why I woke up in a Celebratory mood! Ha!

Back to the lessons… being open to them, often brings them back to the current, often discovering how one area in my life can be reflective and perhaps solve another area in my life. Same lesson; different circumstance.  That’s how today was. I am having some difficulties with my worker, really struggling with the next steps forward. I do know what the main issues are, but even knowing these doesn’t always move us forward.  Time to allow for life to present a solution. No need to yell or squander, push or pull. Merely ask and allow. In the meantime, celebrate! haha!

After work, I took my dog for a run. As soon as he received permission to go off and explore… he did exactly that… and then wouldn’t come back. Each time he got close to me, I’d call him or entice him over, and off he’d go again. Then it hit me… it wasn’t the game to him… what I had to learn was that he would come when he was ready to come. In the meantime, he wanted to make certain that I was still within ear or eyeshot. So I let him be and it wasn’t long before he was back in the house.

Trust♡ is the word. Yet another overflowing message. With pure trust. ‘It becomes full of God, overflowing. When the heart is innocent and the walls have disappeared, you are bridged with infinity.‘ OSHO

The lesson and love, the Happiness and joy in this message? Nothing. there is nothing that can be taken away from you. That which can be taken away, is not worth keeping. It becomes a barter, an object that can be pitted or played.

The gift and the Happiness? To know that I can never lose my true treasures; what is in my heart, what is in my soul. They will always will they be there and I am on my way to finding its fullness. Of Joy and Happiness♡